Time travel

This topic for me is very confuse. But I think that i would like to travel to the past. I don't kown the exactly times or era. But definitly I do time travle for know important people in the history, like painters; for example, Leonardo da vinci, or Pablo Picasso. Or also, I would like to know events, like the dinosaurs era, just for kown that it was real.

But I dont think that I traveling for to stay in the some epoch (in the past). Because for the women had very complication for many things, from to the clothes, the corset (very uncomfortable) to the laws and the stigma an the opinion of people. 

And the future, It  make me feel anxiety, for the know the things that could happen. And also probably in this travel, I would worry more for my present. So I would travel in a long future, in where I will dont exist, like... in the 3000 year.


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