My dream job¿?

This topic for me is difficult of think. But I have somethings clear about my posibility dream job. 

First actually, I´m studing architecture, so you could think that my future jobs is building things or houses. But my personality is very creative, so I´m more of creative works. For this reason, all these years in my career, I´m looking for a more creative line. But it has been very difficult to find in the typical subjects or classes.

So, my second thought would be my favorite hobby. The ART

The ART for me is magical, relaxing and my safe place, although I don´t practice to much now. But my dream job I think that was painting and drawing for people or for travel magazines, and drawing the different places and landscapes, because also I love to traveling and know different places. But in this world, the art isn´t considered of the best way so... I don´t know...

But being more realistic, and also what I was thinking, is working in Disney. yes, Disney. For some reason I found a serie of Walt Disney Imagineering, that is and independent organization, but they work with disney for the parks, hotels and in a few words, almost all work about construction and desing for disney. In this place, artist, engineers, designers and architecs works together. So I think that this place, it could be my place. But obviously this coul be after I have experience, a lot experience. 


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