My site of Art

This site in instagram is called carnerodemetal, and it's story is very intersting. But for me this site is where I learn to paint in watercolor.

In the pandemic, I wanted to explore more about art, and I don´t remember how found this site, but I saw the first class of watercolor about the universe, in a class in instagram live. I remember that I understood too much with this girl, in this moment I didn´t have all the materials, but She said to us that these things are not important, She said that the important thing was how to paint.

Her name is Cristina Castellon, She studied art in the catholic university, and She risked everything to work in art. And in one year She achieved this. And in this 3 years, She made a ted talk, a website, a store, published three book on painting and She made classes on her website about art and painting, similar to domesika. But you need to pay to have it.

Now She gives class every thrusday in instagram live, since 2020. This week is about colored pencil, As you can see in this photo. So If you like art and painting it is a very good site for learning many things.

And for me, this women is an inspiration. I took many classes with her, and I know her. She helps me take risks and loves art. thanks to her I showed my first painting, and I'm learning to call myself an artist.  


  1. This is such a good information to learn about different art techniques!


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