My family meals

Hi everyone, 

Today I'm going to talk about my meals on Fridays with my family. 

After the death of my one grandmother, my grandfather was very sad and alone. And my mother could't go to see him frecuently when my grandmother was alive. So when my family suffered this loss, we wanted to see more of my grandfather, for this reason, We had an agreement to go to the house of my grandfather every friday.

So for like two years, my family and I, we went to the house my grandfather for dinner, and it was always like a feast, because sometimes we prepared cakes, or pancakes (sweet food), or other times we bought sushi, or fries (or any food we wanted).

And I remember one time, that we bought like 100 pieces of sushi, and others prepared hot dogs, and also We had sweet food. So that time We ate too much.

For me the Fridays in these times (I was 15 or 16 years old), were very important and it was reserved for me. So I never went to another place. But now, because of the pandemic, my grandfather lives with my uncle, in Paine, so my mother and I, don't see often. But we try go every two weeks.


  1. That a great reason to support your grandfather. It looks like you all have fun:)

  2. What a beautiful photo, they look verry beautiful.

  3. I like this photo, because your family was really happy :)


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