My Photos

Hi everyone!

Today I show us 2 photos that are very close to my rutine.

The first photo is of my house, in particular is of the landscape of the place. This view, I can see from my bedroom. And for 18 years, this view has always been my favorite. 

And other interesting story to the right of the Pine that you can see. Beacuse this Pine was very small 25 years ago, and it was a wedins gift for my parents. So for my this Pine meens something special.

And the second photo, also is something, or really is someone, that always is in my house for resenving me. LUCAS<3

This is my dog that I´m love too much. Now he have five years old, is a beagle, but is more tall of the normal. He is a very good sleeper., he don't play too much, but he is very cute and the favorite in the house. 

For me, my dog is everything, I love your companine, and he helps me when I'm strees. But somethings He does stress me.



  1. That´s a great photo. Lucas looks "simpatico"

  2. What a beautiful image the first one, I concentrated a lot on it because it looks too much like the place where I live in the commune of Lampa

  3. what a beautiful meaning the pine tree has in the picture and the dog is beautiful!

  4. Your dog is so beutiful. I was a dog lover jsjsjs


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